Why Am I Not Getting Pregnant?

Why I’m not getting pregnant? You may be on birth control or under stress that is not letting you conceive. Before jumping to the conclusion of being infertile, it’s important to look at other causes. Along with you take your male partner too. Often it’s the male partner who has a health hurdle in making babies. A fertile woman has 20-35% chance of getting pregnant every month.

Every woman wants to get pregnant as soon as she decides to grow her family. Not being able to get pregnant can be worse of a nightmare. Why am I not getting pregnant is a question we get on a daily basis.

But before you start worrying about infertility in women make sure you are doing the deed right.

There are many resolvable reasons for not getting pregnant. Merely stressing about pregnancy can prevent it.

It is crucial that you eat well and eat right. If you are not nourished, then you may not get pregnant.

Another point is that you may not be having sex at the right time for getting pregnant.

What are the chances of getting pregnant?

A healthy 30-year-old fertile female has 20% chances of getting pregnant every month. 

The chances of getting pregnant are not constant throughout the month.

You are most likely to get pregnant when you have sex near ovulation. 

Ovulation is the time when your ovaries release the egg. It happens on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The egg is viable for the next 24 hours.

Now you may wonder how other women get pregnant all the time. It is because the menstrual cycle can fluctuate. 

Ovulation can occur a day early or late. It is best to have sex regularly from three days before to one day after ovulation. 

Sperms can live in the vagina for 3-5 days.

Why am I not getting pregnant?
Why am I not getting pregnant?

Why am I not getting pregnant?

There are many reasons for not getting pregnant. Here are the most probable causes of not getting pregnant.

1) Being on birth control

If you are taking birth control pills then your chances of getting pregnant reduce. 

Birth control pills do fail. But it’s like you are reducing the probability of becoming pregnant. 

You need to stop using any means of birth control when you decide to get pregnant.

2) Not knowing the fertile window

Most women don’t know when they are fertile — there few signs of ovulation like a change in cervical mucus

Your basal body temperature rises on the day of ovulation. Even if you have an irregular menstrual cycle, you can track ovulation

Many ovulation kits that can tell you about your fertile window.

3) Fibroids and scars in the uterus

If you had any previous surgery of the uterus, you might have fibroids. 

Endometriosis is a condition when the tissues of uterus invade other organs. 

The bifurcated uterus also prevents pregnancy. It is a cause of infertility in women.

4) Male partner’s infertility

It could be that you are perfectly fine, but your partner has some problem. 

There are many reasons for infertility in men. There are treatable and have many options. 

If you want to have a baby, you can opt for ART to artificially help you. 

IVF treatment, Intracytoplasmic injection and artificial insemination can help overcome male infertility. 

There could be many reasons for male infertility like low sperm count or erectile dysfunction.

5) Stress

Many things affect your fertility. Stress and your environment are two mostly ignored ones. 

Any stress experienced by you or male partner can cause infertility. 

It is why you are not getting pregnant. Stress changes the hormone cycle in your body affecting your fertility.

    6) Smoking, alcohol, and drugs

    Smoking reduces the fertility in women and men. It can reduce the sperm count to nil. 

    Alcohol also causes problems in getting pregnant. The dose of alcohol is essential when you decide to consume it. 

    Drugs affect fertility and pregnancy. 

    If you are not getting pregnant, you need to cut down these three.

    Some tips for getting pregnant

    1. Eat Omega 3 fatty acid rich diet. They are responsible for forming the hormones required for getting pregnant. Food rich in omega 3 fatty acids are Mackerel, Salmon, Anchovies, and Caviar. Baby takes up a major share of Omega 3 fatty acids from you. You need to have it in abundance during pregnancy as well.
    2. You don’t need to have sex every day or multiple times a day. But during ovulation, it is better to have sex often. When you have sex without will chances of getting pregnant may fall. You need to be confident and stress-free.
    3. Cut down your caffeine. Caffeine is also a stimulant and diuretic drug. You have to limit smoking, alcohol, and drugs when you are not getting pregnant.
    4. Exercise and stay fit. Any illness can prevent you from getting pregnant. It is essential that you stay healthy.
    5. Maintenance of stable body weight is crucial for getting pregnant. Women who undergo a lot of weight fluctuations have difficulty in getting pregnant.
    6. Get any diseases like PCOD or fibroids tested and treated. Do not miss any follow-up appointments. Also get treatment for sexually transmitted infections. STDs can affect your chances of getting pregnant.
    7. Sleep well and on time. A regular sleeping pattern is essential for maintaining fertility.
    8. Don’t use sex toys and sperm jellies. They are reasons for not getting pregnant.

    Not getting pregnant doesn’t make a woman any less of it. 

    It is essential to wait for the right time patiently. Having a healthy life and relationship are the first steps that one needs to take before trying to become a mother. 

    A baby needs both mother and father equally. 

    No pregnancy can save marriages, they both are responsibilities at an individual level.


    1. Hi I’m Lourdes, ive been trying for two years with my partner and some how it’s not working out could it be me? My period is heavy on the first three I’m usually 8 day every month sometimes is 5 days late. I don’t know what else to say hopefully you could help me

      • Most women consider period as their marker for everything. Whether be fertility or pregnancy sign. Period is a part of your reproductive health. Undoubtedly male infertility could be a reason for not being able to conceive but there are other reasons in women too. What exactly is your case is difficult to predict. If you’re seeing signs of ovulation, having regular period, not taking any prescription contraceptive or otherwise and having a healthy lifestyle then consult an OB about your partner’s fertility tests.


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